Well here we are a few days from Christmas. A holiday that celebrates the most important event for all human kind....... even the unkind. We ( people ) used to have to "jump through hoops" and follow lists of laws to become right with God. We people are so stubborn and selfish this was an ongoing cycle and thousands of blood sacrifices were made to make up for our sinful nature. This was going nowhere and to show his true unconditional love God became man as Jesus of Nazareth. Yes the awesome all loving powerful God that created our galaxy and beyond knew that we could not do it by ourselves. So Jesus became the final blood sacrifice, the perfect lamb. Except this time it was for EVERYONE! Not just those who were present. This unfathomable love that will guarantee all who accept him a spot in Heaven is what Christmas is about. So have fun doing your shopping, rushing, and partying. When you feel stressed out this "holowday" season and find yourselves arguing over parking spots and maxing out credit cards take a step back and remember we are celebrating our savior.